Designing your new PSAP
When new construction is underway, an architect and/or project consultant will almost always be involved.
Often the dispatch room is the largest room in the building. For that reason, it is often changed to accommodate the surrounding rooms and offices.
The real challenge with space planning this way is that communication team space can end up oddly shaped or smaller than expected, which results in cramped quarters, little room to grow, and inefficient walking space between dispatcher positions.
There are two approaches to take when you're getting a new dispatch room.
- You can wait for the architect to finish the building design and tell you the room you have for the dispatch center, and you can plan using those restraints.
- Another approach is to be proactive. Design the dispatch center floor plan that works best for your workflow and equipment needs, then present that to the architect as the floor plan you need to fit into the building.
The second approach is much better for getting the dispatch center design of your dreams. And, it may surprise you to know, most architects appreciate the customer buy-in and guidance.