Maintaining high security at our nation’s airports is an around-the-clock job. One that requires accurate surveillance and dispatchers who can stay comfortable, confident, and keep everything running smoothly. That’s why our most demanding airports rely on Watson Consoles.

A city within a city
Coordinating multiple agencies and monitoring a population constantly in motion requires high-capacity technology storage and integration. Mercury provides tech integration like no other console on the market, and the dedicated cable management makes it easy to access technology without interfering with security protocols.
An eye on everything
With a multitude of checkpoints, doors, and cameras to observe, airport dispatch monitor requirements are robust. The customizable slat wall monitor array on Mercury can hold up to 10 monitors, with lifting columns handling up to 700 pounds.

Keeping cool
High-pressure environments require keeping cool. Mercury tech cabinets are designed to do just that. Able to accommodate both towers and rack-mounted PC's to integrate a multitude of systems, the active cooling fans keep technology running at peak performance no matter how many PC's are installed.

Idea Starters

One Space, Multiple Agencies.
Airport security operations often require housing multiple agencies in the same dispatch center. Our expert space planners can help design configurations that help group together different agencies all working toward the same goal.
Free eBook: Console Technology Trends.
New console trends put the telecommunicator first, boosting employee satisfaction.