Large centers that house different types of emergency and non-emergency response teams in the same room have unique requirements. With Watson Consoles, dispatchers benefit from privacy screens, plus environmental controls to keep them comfortable and focused throughout their shift.

Something for everyone
Keeping everyone happy is easy with a full suite of comfort controls that each dispatcher can customize to their preferences. Hot and cool air, task and ambient lighting, and power for personal devices are all in easy reach, and personalized monitor settings allow each user to set the array at the height and distance that’s best for their body.
Keep communication flowing
Recycled fabric privacy screens provide an acoustic buffer — a huge benefit in busy 24/7 environments. Clear acrylic screens provide line of sight to video walls, supervisor platforms, and notifications while building space between positions.

Something everyone agrees on
Dispatchers love the customizable workstations, with everything to remain productive and comfortable within arm's reach. IT Managers love the easy-to-use, smart technology integration that can be accessed even while the position remains active. Center Managers love the smart selection of materials that guarantees a decade or more of peak performance.

Idea Starters

Efficient Use of Technology.
Large dispatch centers still need to be efficient with their space. Shared hubs are one way to create a linear plan that groups consoles together to make the most of your power and data infrastructure.

Centralize Supervisors.
With a raised Supervisor bullpen in the middle of a large control room, different team supervisors can all have line-of-sight to their departments and work groups.

Teamwork Efficiency
Large open floorplans can be strategically planned to make collaborating more efficient among teams. Use command or corner shapes to create more dynamic layouts with easy traffic flow.
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Discover how your 911 workstations influence retention + valuable ergo & movement standards.